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PENG membership renewal or annual subscription remain unchanged this year £20 incl VAT. Being a PENG member offers dietitians many benefits including:

  • Subsidised rates at PENG meetings
  • Subsidised cost for PENG Pocket Guide to Clinical Nutrition
  • Clinical Meetings at reduced price for members
  • Free BAPEN membership for members of PENG, plus dietetic representation at BAPEN
  • Minimum four copies of e-PENlines a year which includes abstracts, conference summaries, clinical reviews
  • Access to the PENG membership section of the website - currently being updated to make it more interactive for members and meet members needs
  • Facility to ask fellow PENG members their best practice or advice through the membership email address
  • CPD opportunity to serve on the committee or work with them on individual projects
  • Mentoring/buddying system

How to Join

  1. Simply log in to your MyBDA personal profile at
  2. Click on the Join Specialist Groups on your MyBDA profile area to complete the joining process.
  3. A payment confirmation email and a welcome email from the Group will be sent to your registered email address.

There are two ways to pay for Specialist Group membership online:

  • Direct Debit. If you are an existing direct debit payer for your BDA membership, we will automatically take your Group(s) payments via direct debit. Please contact before starting the online joining process if you do not want your Group membership taken by direct debit.
  • Credit or Debit Card. If you currently do not have a direct debit set up, you can pay via credit or debit card through our secure, online joining pages. Please have your card details ready before starting the online joining process.