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Guidance Notes and Conditions

The Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Group (PENG) of the British Dietetic Association awards small grants to PENG members to undertake research, audit and service evaluation in the area of clinical nutrition and nutrition support. PENG members can apply to PENG for money to support aspects of running a project, project costs, equipment and for help with salaries. Exceptionally money can be awarded to support study at post graduate level. Where post graduate study is funded this should have a research focus and should be in the area of clinical nutrition or nutrition support.

To apply for money through these grants PENG members should complete the appropriate application form (below). Applicants must be a PENG member and should have been a PENG member for at least 1 full consecutive year at the time of application. Each applicant can apply for money at any time but they cannot be awarded money more often than once every two years. Completed application forms should be sent to Jacklyn Jones at

On receipt of the application form reviewers will be appointed to review the application. Each application will be independently reviewed by three reviewers who will normally be PENG clinical lead for research and audit, the BDA research officer and one other PENG committee member. The review process will consider the suitability and relevance of the proposal in terms of impact in the area of nutrition support and clinical nutrition. Reviewers may request additional information from the applicant prior to making a final decision about whether the grant will be successful or not.

You will be notified of the outcome of your application as soon as possible following the review process and PENG will endeavour to ensure that this process does not take longer than 6 weeks. The discussions concerning applications and, in the event of a refusal, the reasons for rejection, are confidential, however PENG will provide brief feedback on the reasons why applications are rejected.

If PENG are able to make a grant it must be used exclusively for the purposes specified in the application. Brief reports (max 500 words) on the progress of the project must be submitted every six months throughout the time of the project and a final report must be submitted at the end on any project. Any publication resulting form the study must acknowledge the contribution of PENG. Any requests to change the purposes of the project or to reschedule payments must be made in writing and no alternations to approved plans may be made without express permission.

Where the project terminates prematurely PENG must be informed of this immediately and the grant will normally have to be refunded to PENG. Only in exceptional circumstances will the grant not have to be repaid back to PENG.

Your signature on the application form confirms that you have accepted these conditions.

Application forms:

PENG Research and Audit Grant Application form

Reviewer Assessor Guidelines Reply Form